Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Blog about stuff.

The new TV season SUCKS! Are there any new ideas left? I watched Studio 60 and was mildly entertained, mildly. I’m sticking to my new favorite Netflix find (thanks to CD2E), Weeds. Not only is it creative and hilarious, but it has the best theme song.
“And the people in the houses
All go to the university,
And they all get put in boxes,
And the all come out the same.
And there's doctors and there's lawyers
And business executives,
And they're all made out of ticky-tacky
And they all look just the same.”

Vote No on 41 Update: Thank goodness some people with common sense have come out against Amendment 41, the so-called “Ethics in Government” initiative. League of Women Voters (who have an entire program dedicated to ethics in government) and Colorado Non-Profit Association have both come out against this stupid ballot measure. Stop the insanity! Write your checks to:
No on 41
And mailed to:
110 16th Street, Suite 403
Denver, CO 80202

Vote No on 38 Update: The proponents are calling it the PRA2006 Amendment (Pray?). Good god. Vote Hell No!

Finally, do you still get the health benefits of pomegranate juice if you mix it with vodka?


codown2earth said...

RE: Studio 60. I started watching West Wing on a Presidents Day weekend marathon about 3 years into the series. I have only seen Sports Night on cable re-run. I think it may take a bit to warm up to Studio 60. After watching The Class, 'till Death, and Happy Hour- I am willing to give Aaron Sorkin a few more hours of my time before I write off Studio 60.

Another Showtime Original for your Netflix consideration- Dead Like Me. (It is playing on the SciFi channel now in re-runs- not sure if that is part of regular cable or the boy cable super package.)

Rachael Ray served Oprah a Pomegrante MimOsa (for the health benefits)on her new talk show. I am a big RR fan, but I think she might have a substance abuse problem. I had to Tivo through several sections of programming b/c her hyperness was too damn much.

codown2earth said...

The new "7th Heaven" (with only 3 Camden kids is it now 3rd Heaven?)is just silly. And not the good kind of silly.