Thursday, August 30, 2007

Interesting Spin

Here’s an interesting analysis of the Obama’s non-profit ties:


The non-profit hospital question as well as the earmarking and lobbying discussion is interesting and revealing.

Non-profits, at roughly 13% of the GDP, aren’t just nice, touchy-feely, feel-good entities.  A good reminder.


(There are others on Romney, McCain, Giuliani, etc. someplace buried at the website.)





rebeckspe said...

Someone better fix IC's font size before DHP goes batshit.

I crack myself up.

Anonymous said...

Giant old-lady font was her choice, at least the rest of the blog remains untouched. Some people blog giant, some in orange. We allow personal choice.

rebeckspe said...

As you know, I'm in favor of choice.

InfoChef said...

Wow--we are getting our Ph.D.s in blog font size. You'll be interested to know that there must have been some upgrades to Blogger, as the previous message was sent in HTML 12 pt. Arial, my standard, via email post. Previously, Blogger neither kept your font nor installed hyperlinks.

Anyway, anything substantial to say on the article?

Anonymous said...

Not really anything substantial to say on the article. I mean aren't all politicians saints? That is, until they are caught with their dick in some intern's mouth, or sending elicit text messages to capitol pages, soliciting sex in a men's room, hiring prostitutes, smoking in public, yada yada yada. Shit, if we went on public service, John McCain (for his actual service in the miliary and subsequent time as a prisoner of war) or Al Gore (for his advocacy on global warming) would be president. But, alas . . .

ChristianLiberalChick said...

I can post in orange???? No one told me that!!! :)

President's with pure pasts? Good people get eaten alive by people with money & power. The key is to find someone who has decent values, money, and cahones (sp?) to stand up to the real crack pots.