Sunday, June 1, 2008

As seen in Lakewood....

Drove behind a car this afternoon with the following collection of bumper stickers: "Guns don't kill people. People Do." "I support the President, George W. Bush", "Boycott France" and "McCain 2008". This kind of support for McCain makes it really hard for those who try to position McLame as another less than a fruitcake ready to carrying on the "legacy" of the Shrub Administration.


rebeckspe said...

For some reason, I do think of Lakewood as a hotbed of republicanism..... I think its because my rabidly conservative uncle used to live there.

rebeckspe said...

can't resist another McLame comment this a.m.: why must he take such a condescending and sarcastic tone every time he makes a comment about his "opponent"? Its so juvenile for such an old man.

Anonymous said...

HRC ad against mccain.