Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Palin on the Rocks

I am not really a fan of Drinking Liberally since their juvenile attacks on RC back in 2006 but I happen to catch this one in my junk inbox today and thought it was clever.

Palin on the Rocks: The Official Drinking Liberally Sarah Palin Convention
Speech Drinking Game

Take a Sip when She Says:
- faith
- Barack Obama
- abortion
- pregnancy
- She claims that "the media" is attacking her family
- She makes reference to being governor of Alaska
- She talks about the sanctity of life
- She makes a positive reference to Hillary Clinton
- She mentions Cindy McCain

Take a Gulp when:
- She claims that "the Democrats/Democrat party" is attacking her
- She makes reference to being a beauty queen
- She uses a down-homey aphorism
- She makes a positive reference to Geraldine Ferraro
- She calls Obama a Muslim
- She references her relationship with God
- She mentions the lack of a vetting process

Chug when:
- She claims that Joe Biden is attacking her family
- She makes reference to being a tv sports anchor
- She says that she "won't apologize" for something (e.g. her family, being
who she is, being a christian, etc.)
- She makes a positive reference to Gloria Steinem

Celebratory Toast if:
- She forgets a line/stumbles through a line
- She tries a joke about her inexperience

Finish Your Drink if:
- She is replaced by Phyllis Schlafly
- She mentions VPILF
- She claims that Barack Obama is attacking her family
- She makes reference to being a secessionist and/or under
- She makes a positive reference to Andrea Dworkin

1 comment:

codown2earth said...

PS. If VPILF doesn't click, think about MILF Weed from Weeds. (I think it was Bill Maher who was calling the ticket "Maverick and MILF'.)