So you don't have to, I've linked pages of catalogs I'm ordering from this year:
Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds Good herb & Asian greens selections; no photos
Seed Savers Exchange Great pics, lots of organics
Baker Creek Heirloom Heirloom, huge selections (8 pages of tomatoes), not much growing info, not all depicted
Johnny's Organized by category, good growing info
Stokes Commercial catalog has a ton of growing info and mostly hybrids
Seeds of Change I'm ticked because they increased packet prices 50 cents--nearly a 20% increase; NM farm that grows organics
The Chile Woman My friend Susan ships transplants of chiles, peppers, tomatoes & tomatillos, $3 per plant
Shamless plug for one of my clients who runs two local foods co-ops.
And you should join RMFU for $25 a year for developing this kind of shit.
Bummer, I thought it was a real food co-op that you join and work in and hang out with all the hippies and libertarians.
Already! Gah!
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