Wednesday, March 8, 2006

What drove us to drink?

Denver Hot pants did a very good explaining our Monday evening events... I think... but she left off the most important part.. what drove us to drink in the first place. You see at the memorial service of this very important man there was a group of anti-choice protestors, dressed up in uncle sam costumes with their bloody baby billboards in front of a well respected Christian Church for a memorial service! I have studied Christianity for years and the Jesus Christ I know, would not approve! SHAME ON THEM! Just for that I will make sure to get my reservation in early this year for the NARAL pro-choice auction.

UPDATE!: A citizen's initiative has been filed "to protect all citizens within this state from any protests, demonstrations, or disturbances at funerals, and memorial services". I'm guessing this won't pass its first hearing due to first amendment rights issues, but evidently the issue has pissed off enough people to require the filing of a ballot measure.


codown2earth said...

This happens at St. John's Episcopal so often, last time I was there they had tips for dealing with protesters in their bulletin. NCDown2Earth's Church has also been protested.

I have no issue with protest or political expression. However, there is a very long list of more Christ-like things that could fill a person's to do list: clothing, feeding, providing daycare...

"Truly, I say to you, in as much as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me."- Matthew 25:40

codown2earth said...

RE Update: It makes me kinda sad that we have to have a citizen's initiative for good taste & common sense. What is wrong with the world that people don't just know you don't protest a funeral?

ChristianLiberalChick said...

I wish we knew where those idiots lived, or worked, or worshipped so we could protest stupidity. Of course, you can't really get through to stupid people, can you. Ah, the eternal question: how do you get stupid people to listen???