Thursday, March 23, 2006

What is a borrachaso?

Borrachaso - Spanish word borracho (drunk) combined with achaso, (a word SNG thinks she learned years ago from a drunken friend from Mexico City) making it a drunken mistake. Example - the scraped knee that never heals because the person keeps getting drunk and stumbling down.

1 comment:

InfoChef said...

Something is WRONG with these quizes..they are Bizarro Quizes. So I recommend taking them and determining yourself to be at the opposite end of what it SAYS you are.

After all, how can the person who is 65% normal end up with this result:

You scored as FISTICUFFS.
You are going to get drunk and engage in Fisticuffs. Congrats! RAWR! Sure, you got arrested and you have a nasty black eye, but you should see the other guy. Obviously, you should have worked through some of those issues before busting out the booze. Don't hit me because I said that.

One Night Stand
Lose Stuff