Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Right on to Coloradans for Fairness and Equality in CO! Not only are these ads brilliant but the choice to begin running them now and the fact a former Owens staffer is running the campaign is one of the best political moves I have seen in a long time!

Contact: Sean Duffy

Spots Running on Broadcast & Cable Present Challenges Facing Same-Sex Couples

(DENVER) -- Coloradans for Fairness and Equality Action Fund today unveiled two television spots, which began airing throughout Colorado this morning, designed to educate Coloradans about the specific, legal discrimination faced by committed same-sex couples.

The ads, created and produced by Launch Advertising of Denver, provide clear examples of how committed same-sex couples are denied the protections and responsibilities automatically granted to straight couples.

The two ads unveiled today are:

n “Waiting Room,” which depicts the frustration and worry facing one partner in a committed same-sex relationship when his partner is hospitalized. He is not permitted to visit his partner or ensure that the partner is receiving the quality care. Under Colorado law, a partner in a same-sex relationships has no guaranteed right to visit – let alone direct the care of -- a partner in an emergency room, hospital room or nursing home.

n “Baby” depicts a 10-week-old baby, with the voice over asking a series of questions about the disparity in protections and responsibilities between those who are born straight and those who are born gay. The ad cites disparities in the areas of the ability to make medical decisions, obtain health care benefits or name a guardian if one becomes incapacitated.

The ads will run for approximately six weeks on broadcast and cable stations throughout Colorado. The ads can be viewed online here:

Coloradans for Fairness and Equality Action Fund is a nonprofit organization with an application for recognition under section 501(c)(4) of the IRS Code. CFE Action Fund promotes legal remedies to discrimination against committed same-sex couples which would provide them with the legal responsibilities and protections they deserve.

CFE is the leading legislative proponent of the proposed Domestic Partnership referendum (House Bill 1344) now under consideration in the state legislature. The referendum, expected to be on the November ballot, would provide committed same-sex couples with many of the protections and responsibilities now legally granted to straight couples, including hospital and nursing home visitation, property and inheritance rights and health care coverage.

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1 comment:

codown2earth said...

Okay... I might need to look for a different orange that is a little easier on the eyes. But I am happy to see you posting!