Tuesday, November 7, 2006

A beautiful day.

Most crafters voted by mail so hopefully the long lines aren't taking your time but at least it is a beautiful day to stand in line. (We would love a report from our Day of Voter, CLC.) Per the Denver Post: "Democratic party leaders are in court this afternoon, seeking a two-hour extension for voting in Denver, due to massive computer problems which have kept many from casting their vote."

DHP and lafayettelass (and CreamyCrafter + Baby, too) are doing the good progressive work today. Thank you for representing us! You guys who didn't work w/ DHP missed the chance to see her "in the zone".

Misc "News"....
SC Gov turned away from his polling place
Real People Reports/Rants

And don't forget to fill your tank today before the prices go back up.


rebeckspe said...

I was a registration book judge at Highlands Sr. Center and had a 16 hour day with two five minute pottie breaks. Someone gave me a Reese's peanut butter cup out of the goodness of his heart, and I had a tin of altoids to keep me going throughout the day.

It was rather exciting tho. Brought out the best in a lot of folks, IMHO...

codown2earth said...

Welcome back, rebeckspe! Thanks for your work!