Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I had a meeting scheduled from 8:00 to 11:00 today that got cancelled at 7:45. This would not be so bad if this didn't happen constantly with this client. For the past 2 months we have had standing meetings twice a week (one for lobbyists, one for the political staff - I'm both) and only 4 were not cancelled, usually with about a day's notice. Since my life is a back-to-back meeting schedule, I schedule around these damned meetings. I just erased them all from my calendar. The fact that I had to get out of bed early for this one was the very last straw. Screw them.

Also, in case you didn't know, Brittney's little sister is pregnant. Our world is being populated by morons.


rebeckspe said...

Any way you can charge for your time if an appt is canceled with less than 24 hours' notice?

That's what I used to do with my clients, but then again I'm just a greedy bitch shark attorney.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking about doing that since I'm in contract negotiations as we speak. Great minds think alike.

And that "ambulance chaser" you unethical trial lawyer whore. Or maybe you are a "counselor chaser" given your particular brand of trial lawyering.

rebeckspe said...

P.S. Tom Green could not have been any more cynical about the newest Spears pregnancy. It was delicious to watch.

codown2earth said...

The Plate Spinner Bitch is always rescheduling meetings with 15 minutes notice. WTF is wrong with people? We all have to cancel meetings from time to time but it is the last minute cancel that gets my goat. It so screams, "you are less important than me". Speaking of work, I work with someone else who is always sending emails with "FU" in the subject line. She means Follow Up but everytime I see it, I think F-U.

ChristianLiberalChick said...

We have a division in our company that used to write F/U (also meaning follow-up) on a report that went to the board of directors. We also have managers & supervisors using the word "penetration" on e-mails to staff...talking about sales, but trust me, that's not what the staff sees. CRAZY how people just don't stop & think!!!