Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cheese of the Week

This week, the Italian Asiago Fresco--I can taste the yogurt in this moist, almost creamy cow's milk) from Marczyk's is vying for attention with the Vosges Bacon Chocolate bar (I have died and gone to heaven, and before you rush out to get your own you should brace yourself for the $6 investment. If you need more info, this topic is blogger's heaven--who ARE these people with so much time to wax poetic on a freakin' chocolate bar?!).

Since the fridge also holds a St. Jorge (an aged cow with a not-quite-Cheddar-tang & now nearly a staple here from a small California dairy), gorgonzola crumbs, home-grated parm, shredded mild cheddar, shredded mozz, and a cheese sauce leftover from mac & cheese, I've got the calcium intake thing down.

1 comment:

rebeckspe said...

What a delicious post. I need to buy more cheese. And buy it at Marczyks.

Why wasn't that on my list of resolutions?!