Saturday, April 12, 2008


Did you know that Cafe Colore is owned by the same folks as Duo? Well, it is. Also, it's good.


codown2earth said...

Has it always been owned by the same group? I had a really awful meal there many, many years ago (7-ish) and so I have been walking past it for years.

rebeckspe said...

I, too, have had negative history with this establishment. Horrible food and service when I first started working downtown in 2001. So have not made a return trip.

Eager to hear the details of the more recent meals.

Plus, the russian vodka bar (Red Square Euro Bistro) is around the corner in Writer's Square, and its hard for me to pass up the fig infused vodka there. Yum.

Anonymous said...

It think it had a different, yet similar name. It is under new ownership as of a few months ago.