Sunday, April 27, 2008

Self-indulgent life update

This blog is boring lately. I'm partly to blame. And, as a disclaimer, much of what I have to report I can't write in a public forum. Here's the quick run-down.

1. I'm a drunken whore.
2. There is one week left in the legislative session, and I almost punched another lobbyist in the face last week.
3. This summer I will be traveling the state writing restaurant and activity reviews for a respectable publication. If anyone wants to join me, please let me know.
4. I have tickets to go see Death Cab for Cutie at Red Rocks. I'm contemplating seeing REM.
5. I have found a new love for Hole and Foo Fighters in my Ipod. You should click on these links, they are youtube videos of some of your forgotten favorite songs. I swear you will not be disappointed.
6. I have lost 25 pounds since Christmas, thanks to weight watchers and the damned gym.
7. I'm still supporting Hillary Clinton for president.
8. The new-to-me car is still running great and can't wait to get on the road for the summer.

Cest'la vie.

1 comment:

rebeckspe said...

I'm glad to hear someone is getting some action. As I packed for my vacation, I discovered the condoms in my suitcase had an expiration date of 9/2006.
