Sunday, August 10, 2008

Incomplete Blog Posts

In the spirit of Rebeckspe's Placeholder post: Here are things I have thought about blogging about but haven't completed the thoughts....

- A review of the new Billy's Inn (and dining next to Jack)

- A comparison of Red Trolley and Little Man Ice Cream. And why neither are as good as Josh and Johns

-Things Focus on (your own damn) Family could ask their supporters to pray for instead of rain during Obama's acceptance speech- Like Peace & Understanding in the world


InfoChef said...

The Colorado Springs alternative news blog is a real find for CC & RNesta. Maybe the 'treasure troves of CS' is another future blog post in a boost of support for our now-long-lost (just kidding) friends.

InfoChef said...

Oh, and when can we expect a homemade version of Billy's Habanero Lime Cooler.

codown2earth said...

Not to be a sterotype but just thinking about a Habanero Lime Cooler gives me heartburn