Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Citizens for a Cult-Free Colorado!

The Gullible Info that displayed while I was reading DHP's "Political Post" cited a stat on the number of states that allow marriage between first cousins.

According to NCSL, Twenty states and the District of Columbia allow marriage between first cousins. There are only 24 states with no restrictions. Colorado & South Carolina are both on the unrestricted list. Could this perhaps be a factor when right wing cults are looking for states to invade?

New Strategy: Someone needs to figure out what state laws are common across states that Sponge-Dob & "Christian" Exodus DON'T call home. We could find some tolerable ones on that list (like a ban on first cousin marriages) to enact. Then perhaps the right wing cults will pack up and pick another state to hate in.

Related Note: 5280 is doing a two part series on Sponge-Dob. The July article ends at the move of "Fuck-us on the Family" (as shitsngrins would say) from Cali to CO.

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