Thursday, May 17, 2007

The US running the World...Bank - time for things to change?

The Republicans seem to believe that we are the only ones who can run the world...and yet their lame-o Paul Wolfowitz has managed to show little to no respect for the world by his poor management of the World Bank. So the question is, should it still be a requirement that a US citizen run the World Bank? I think not. We are so arrogant to believe we are the only ones who understand economics because we are the only ones with a true free market economy. It's time US leaders stop acting like we're the smartest kids in the playground and start being more responsible with the respect the US USED to have in the world.

Apparently even Shrub can't smile at this one...


Anonymous said...

I have always been shocked by the fact that the world let Shrub get away with appointing the chief architect of the Iraq War to the World Bank. I do love it when those who cannot be brought down by tradional means succomb to self-destruction.

codown2earth said...

Wolfowitz Resigns; Officially Leaves Post in June

All Things Considered, May 17, 2007 · World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz has resigned...The announcement followed two days of intense negotiations between Wolfowitz and the bank's executive board. The negotiations mostly involved the language that the announcement would be phrased in — and how Wolfowitz's resignation would be explained...

Are you kidding me? Two days to discuss the announcements?

Anonymous said...

So what happens to the girlfriend who had to sleep her way in to a promotion and raise?