Sunday, August 3, 2008

Good news for Creamy Crafter....

... and a to-do for any visitors to the Springs: Josh and Johns is still open in Colorado Springs!


Anonymous said...

Why were you in Colorado Springs?

InfoChef said...

Just brainstorming reasons to know, with the impending move of CC

Anonymous said...

Having worked in CC I have lots of suggestions. Starting with Poor Richards bookstore and cafe. CC is great so long as you don't leave downtown.

Anonymous said...

That would be CS. Duh.

codown2earth said...

I haven't been to CS. During Pamelalooza, We were remembering J&J's from the good ol days when they had a Denver location. I just googled to see that indeed they are still running in CS. Good news for CC (or any Denverites making the trek to CS to visit CC.)